Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to deal with family problems at age 14?

hey, im about to turn 14, im a guy, and my parents have been divorced since i was about 7 or 8. So it's been about 5 years but im not over it. I live with my mom and every other weekend I go to my dads house. Anyway, my dad lives in a city about an hr away from where i live with my mom. to make matters worse, he married a woman that i hate, who has a child(had her before she met my dad) who i hate as well. I have a real younger brother at 10 and the other step-sibling is a 10 yr old girl. I love both my mom and my dad, but the problem is my mom hates my dad. my dad can stand my mom, but the mention of my dad makes my mom get irritated. so when im with my mom, i can barely even mention him, or anything that has to do with him without getting a sigh or some other slight show of irritation from my mom(i know it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but it is to me.) To make this particular situation worse, my dad calls me every day, so as i want to answer, i don't want my mom to get pissed at me. don't get me wrong, i love my mom and my dad, but im starting to get depressed. my step-dad is nice and he cares about me, but were not really getting along at all. so basically, when im with my mom, pretty much all the time there is yelling going on.(my mom does nothing except yell at me for yelling at him.) at my dads house, there is always some party or get-together going on. (im not a very social person.) because my step-mom occasionally offers to buy me and my brother things, my dad is always telling me how much she loves me and how i should love her back. the problem HERE is that i dont. i keep feeling that my step-mom is trying to take the place of my mom, and my step-dad trying the same thing. as for my step-sister, she and my brother do as much as they can to irritate the **** out of me, and when i yell at them, im in trouble.(the same applies when im with my mom, although just with my brother.) my dad also gets angry with me when i dont answer the phone when he calls, and i fell i cant tell him about how much my mom hates him. as for holidays, i have to spend half the holiday with one parent, and half with another. i know this is good compared to some other kids who have to choose one over the other, but still... i feel as if my parents are constantly fighting over our affection, or are competing in some twisted contest. im starting to get kinda depressed. sorry for the length! i dont need an answer, just trying to vent, but help would be nice.

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