Friday, August 12, 2011

Could this have any relevance to me?'s kinda hard to say because body language plays a big factor. He may not be coming onto you and the fact that you know he's bi might be tripping you out a little. But then again, as humans we are pretty good at knowing when another person is hitting on us. It's some kind of chemical thing that we all pick up on, some better than others. I guess just ignore it for now and see what happens. If stuff like this keeps happening, you can prob bet he's interested.

Called poison control center but.....? PLEASE READ, 16-MONTH-OLD!!?

YES, he is OK. If there was going to be a reaction it would have happened by now. He is probably burping because he swallowed air when you were wiping out his mouth. Don't worry, he fine!

Is one poached egg on toast a healthy breakfast?

so yeah, is one poached egg on toast with a little turkey& fresh cracked pepper corns a healthy breakfast?

What type of fish are good for poaching?

Poaching works best with firm, oily fish such as salmon, trout, striped bass or pike. Delicate fish such as halibut will simply fall apart.

How to stay cool while riding horses in the summer?

I live in fairly hot California weather, and I ride at my local equestrian center. I recently bought a new helmet, an IRH helmet that has 12 air vents, and I ride in thin riding tights and light weight t-shirts. I ride eventing style, so I am jumping a lot, and working on dressage. I am in good shape but I get so hot! My face turns bright red, my helmet turns into a furnace and I sweat like crazy! I have thought about trying some sort of cooling headband or something! I ride sometimes three horses each day, and I would like your help!

Healthiest choice?HELP?

I'd say the veggie breakfast. However if the restaurant is open to special orders, I'd recommend an egg white veggie omlet, hold the cheese and go with a side of fruit.

I'm depressed and I need ways to get out stress got a sucky life.?

I take it you will be a high school freshman. You can just chant with the democrats: four more years.